…now a circle of friends.

From November 2012 to August 2022, we worshipped God together, made a warm and real community together, sang, prayed, shared food, loved each other and welcomed absolutely anyone and everyone who wanted to just be with us. We baptized babies, children, teens and adults. We married couples. We buried and celebrated those who passed over. We shared communion almost every week, with everybody who wanted to taste The Lord Jesus Christ. We celebrated holidays, we shared BBQ, we greeted the Easter Sunday sunrise on the shore of Massabesic Lake.

Eventually, people moved away, moved along and so the 2020 pandemic made it really hard to keep fellowship and share our lives together. Yet we courageously adapted and persevered. Now our journeys have taken us in other directions. We are all in other churches, worshiping God in Jesus Christ and breaking bread with new brothers and sisters. So we celebrate those 9, 10 years together. They were GOOD years. We did faithful ministry, despite all the challenges that that came our way.

We want to thank our faithful, wonderful supporters who loved us: Community Chapel Church of the Nazarene in Nashua NH and their amazing leader, Pastor Geoff DeFranca. Thank you, Saint Andrew’s Episcopal Church in Manchester NH and Rev. Sarah; Manchester Christian Church and Pastor Bo and his team; Thank you 1269 Church – you rock! – especially Craig and Mary Chevalier; Thank you Kevin Hallenbeck and Best Sales People, Sandler Training for letting use your space. Thank you, Grace Capital and their one-time City Cafe, and their then pastor Jessie Clinton; Thank you James Wilson and Julie Richards for opening your then home to us; Thank you Panera Bread in Manchester NH where it all started with the Church of the Misfit Toys who found fellowship together.

Pastor Ed Frost, Linda, Keith, Rob Kerry and the munchkins will from time to time continue to share food and sing and pray as a circle of friends. We salute our dear friends Derek and Sarah with Anna and all the dear friends who have from time to time been a part of Christ The Way.

We chose the name Christ The Way because not only is Christ the unique and perfect way to God, but also, Christianity is way of life, individually and shared. We journeyed that way together and it was very very good.